Dragonfall Slot Demo


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Dragonfall Slot Demo Game

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Dragon Fall
Call down a chaos dragon to crash down from the skies! This arcana absorbs other dragon arcana!
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Dragonfall Slot Demo Ps4

Dragonfall slot demo download

Dragon Fall is a Standard ChaosArcana in Wizard of Legend

Description[edit edit source]

Dragonfall Slot Demo

Call down a chaos dragon to crash down from the skies creating a chaos vortex on impact!

Dragon Fall absorbs other dragon arcana you hold on cast, but the same arcana cannot be absorbed twice. Essentially, any other dragon arcana on your skill bar that haven't had a copy absorbed already, will permanently vanish when you cast Dragon Fall. From then on, casting this arcana again also casts all absorbed arcana at the same time. (e.g. You pick up , next time you cast Dragon Fall, Dragon Blast will be consumed and disappear from your skill bar and its effect will be cast alongside Dragon Fall's whenever it is next cast.)

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If you equip a dragon arcana as a signature it will not be consumed but its effect will still be absorbed.

Strategies[edit edit source]

Dragon Fall can have multiple dragon arcana absorbed at once so prioritize purchasing dragon arcana during runs to increase potency of Dragon Fall. Because there are five other dragon arcana in the game, in optimal circumstances, Dragon Fall can potentially fire off six total spells all at once every time it is cast. Again, this is if you get very lucky with the spells you can pick up during a run.

Dragonfall Slot Demo Download

A signature spell can not be removed for your load out, but its effect can be absorbed by Dragon Fall, so bringing this spell and another dragon arcana in your signature slot ensures that this spell will at least fire two spells off after it is cast once, regardless of lucky or unlucky you may get during a run.

Spell combos[edit edit source]

  • and are both standard arcana that can be absorbed by Dragon Fall.
  • , , and can be found and absorbed as standard arcana, or equipped as signature arcana, letting Dragon Fall take their effects without removing them from your hand. With Dragon Surge in particular, this can let you have multiple pairs of water dragons active at the same time.

Dragonfall Slot Demo Games

Item combos[edit edit source]

(Potential to increase damage bonus received by Captain's Ring or Royal Flush based on arcana absorbed, pending testing)

Additional notes[edit edit source]

  • Absorbed arcana seem to count as separate casts, as they do not benefit from
  • Arcana in your spare slot (i.e. those carried but not in your hotbar) will not be absorbed.

External link: An example of dragon fall with every dragon arcana absorbed. https://www.reddit.com/r/WizardofLegend/comments/hvbh24/dragon_fall_with_every_dragon_arcana_absorbed/

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Aqua Arc • Aqua Beam • Aqua Breaker • Aqua Vortex • Binary Splashdown • Bouncing Bubble • Bubble Barrage • Bubble Blast • Calming Flow • Cardice Prime • Cascading Blitz • Creeping Tendrils • Crystalline Balestra • Dragon Surge • Frost Blade • Frost Fan • Frost Feint • Frost Scimitar • Frost Wing • Frozen Bait • Glacial Cross • Ice Dagger • Ice Seekers • Ice Spear • Perfect Storm • Permafrost Bulwark • Rebounding Icicles • Rip Tide • Snowflake Chakrams • Tidal Blast • Ward of Frost • Water Prison • Water Pulse Agent • Wave Front
Absolute Finale • Arcane Intervention • Chaos Crusher • Chaos Reaper • Chaotic Buster • Chaotic Echoes • Chaotic Rift • Distortion Beam • Dragon Fall • Gravity Onslaught • Mark of Discord • Mortal Coil • Null Flash Agent • Null Parade • Phantom Brigade • Phantom Squadron • Piercing Void • Ward of Chaos
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